Derivation of Perspective Projection Matrix

For a perspective projection, we want to map the points inside the view space frustrum to OpenGL NDC (Normalized Device Coordinates) space

View Space Frustrum (Left Handed Coordinates)
View Space Frustrum (Left Handed Coordinates)

The frustrum is defined by

z in [n, f]
n is the z coordinate of the near plane
f is the z coordinate of the far plane

For z == n
x in [l, r]
y in [b, t]

Where for the near plane

l is the x coordinate of the left bounds
r is the x coordinate of the right bounds
b is the y coordinate of the bottom bounds
t is the y coordinate of the top bounds
Open GL Normalized Device Coordinate Space
Open GL Normalized Device Coordinate (NDC) Space

For NDC Space

x in [-1.0, 1.0]
y in [-1.0, 1.0]
z in [-1.0, 1.0]

For OpenGL, a z coordinate of -1.0 appears in front of a z coordinate of 1.0

For example, if you had a triangle in the xy plane with a constant z of -0.5 it would appear in front of another triangle in the xy plane with a constant z of +0.5

The upper left of the view window corresponds to an xy coordinate of (-1.0, 1.0)

The lower right of the view window corresponds to an xy coordinate of (1.0, -1.0)

x Coordinate Mapping

Let's map the x coordinates from the frustrum's view space to NDC space

zx Plane of Frustrum
zx Plane of Frustrum
x_near means the x coordinate when z = n
x_arb means an arbitrary x coordinate within the frustrum's bounds
z_arb means an arbitrary z coordinate within the frustrum's bounds

A right triangle is formed by the following three points: the origin at (x=0, z=0), (x=x_near, z=n), and (x=0, z=n)

Another right triangle is formed by the following three points: the origin at (x=0, z=0), (x=x_arb, z=z_arb), and (x=0, z=z_arb)

These are similar triangles

This means that the tan(θ) is equal for both triangles

$${tan(\theta) = {{opposite}\over {adjacent}} = {x_{near}\over n} = {x_{arb}\over z_{arb}}}$$ $${x_{near} = n\cdot{x_{arb}\over z_{arb}}}$$ Remember, for z == n
we want to map x in [l, r]

For z fixed at the near plane, our x coordinate from our graph of the zx slice of the frustrum is x_near

We do a linear mapping for x_near between l and r using the point slope form of a line equation

$${y - y_0 = m\cdot(x - x_0) = \left({y_1 - y_0}\over{x_1 - x_0}\right) \cdot (x - x_0)}$$

where (x_0, y_0) is the first point of the line, (x_1, y_1) is the second point of the line, and m is the slope of the line

Our input to the linear mapping is x=x_near, and our output is the x coordinate in NDC space y=x_ndc, whose range is [-1.0, 1.0]

So our input range is [l, r], and the range of our output is [-1.0, 1.0]

Our first point is (x_0=l, y_0=-1.0), and our second point is (x_1=r, y_1=+1.0)

So we have

$${x_{ndc} - (-1.0) = \left({1.0 - (-1.0)}\over{r - l}\right) \cdot (x - l) = \left(2\over{r - l}\right) \cdot \left(n\cdot{x_{arb}\over z_{arb}} - l\right) }$$ $${x_{ndc} + 1 = \left({2}\over{r - l}\right) \cdot \left({{n\cdot x_{arb}}\over z_{arb}} - l\right)}$$ $${x_{ndc} + 1 = {{2n}\over {r - l}} \cdot {x_{arb}\over z_{arb}} - {{2l}\over{r - l}}}$$ $${x_{ndc} = {{2n}\over {r - l}} \cdot {x_{arb}\over z_{arb}} - {{2l}\over{r - l}} - 1 }$$ $${x_{ndc} = {{2n}\over {r - l}} \cdot {x_{arb}\over z_{arb}} - {{2l}\over{r - l}} - {{r-l}\over{r-l}} }$$ $${x_{ndc} = {{2n}\over {r - l}} \cdot {x_{arb}\over z_{arb}} - {\left({{2l}\over{r - l}} + {{r-l}\over{r-l}}\right)} }$$ $${x_{ndc} = {\left({2n}\over {r - l}\right)} \cdot {x_{arb}\over z_{arb}} - {\left({{r + l}\over{r - l}}\right)} }$$

y Coordinate Mapping

Now let's do a similar mapping for the y coordinates from the frustrum's view space to NDC space

zy Plane of Frustrum
zy Plane of Frustrum
y_near means the y coordinate when z = n
y_arb means an arbitrary y coordinate within the frustrum's bounds
z_arb means an arbitrary z coordinate within the frustrum's bounds

A right triangle is formed by the following three points: the origin at (y=0, z=0), (y=y_near, z=n), and (y=0, z=n)

Another right triangle is formed by the following three points: the origin at (y=0, z=0), (y=y_arb, z=z_arb), and (y=0, z=z_arb)

These are similar triangles

This means that the tan(θ) is equal for both triangles

$${tan(\theta) = {{opposite}\over {adjacent}} = {y_{near}\over n} = {y_{arb}\over z_{arb}}}$$ $${y_{near} = n\cdot{y_{arb}\over z_{arb}}}$$ Remember, for z == n
we want to map y in [b, t]

For z fixed at the near plane, our y coordinate from our graph of the zy slice of the frustrum is y_near

We do a linear mapping for y_near between b and t using the point slope form of a line equation

$${y - y_0 = m\cdot(x - x_0) = \left({y_1 - y_0}\over{x_1 - x_0}\right) \cdot (x - x_0)}$$

where (x_0, y_0) is the first point of the line, (x_1, y_1) is the second point of the line, and m is the slope of the line

Our input to the linear mapping is x=y_near, and our output is the y coordinate in NDC space y=y_ndc, whose range is [-1.0, 1.0]

So our input range is [b, t], and the range of our output is [-1.0, 1.0]

Our first point is (x_0=b, y_0=-1.0), and our second point is (x_1=t, y_1=+1.0)

So we have

$${y_{ndc} - (-1.0) = \left({1.0 - (-1.0)}\over{t - b}\right) \cdot (y_{arb} - b) = \left(2\over{t - b}\right) \cdot \left(n\cdot{y_{arb}\over z_{arb}} - b\right) }$$ $${y_{ndc} + 1 = \left({2}\over{t - b}\right) \cdot \left({{n\cdot y_{arb}}\over z_{arb}} - b\right)}$$ $${y_{ndc} + 1 = {{2n}\over {t - b}} \cdot {y_{arb}\over z_{arb}} - {{2b}\over{t - b}}}$$ $${y_{ndc} = {{2n}\over {t - b}} \cdot {y_{arb}\over z_{arb}} - {{2b}\over{t - b}} - 1 }$$ $${y_{ndc} = {{2n}\over {t - b}} \cdot {y_{arb}\over z_{arb}} - {{2b}\over{t - b}} - {{t - b}\over{t - b}} }$$ $${y_{ndc} = {{2n}\over {t - b}} \cdot {y_{arb}\over z_{arb}} - {\left({{2b}\over{t - b}} + {{t - b}\over{t - b}}\right)} }$$ $${y_{ndc} = {\left({2n}\over {t - b}\right)} \cdot {y_{arb}\over z_{arb}} - {\left({{t + b}\over{t - b}}\right)} }$$

Partial fill out of projection matrix

OpenGL uses 4 dimensional vectors with symbols x, y, z, and w.

x_arb, y_arb, and z_arb are our 3d coordinates of our vertexes that we are doing a perspective projection on. The w_arb coordinate of our vertexes we always set to 1.

$${w_{arb} = 1}$$

This 4d space is called "homogeneous space"

The result of the multiplication of our projection matrix by our vertex is a vertex in "clip space"

$${ \begin{bmatrix} m_{00} & m_{10} & m_{20} & m_{30}\\ m_{01} & m_{11} & m_{21} & m_{31}\\ m_{02} & m_{12} & m_{22} & m_{32}\\ m_{03} & m_{13} & m_{23} & m_{33} \end{bmatrix} \cdot \begin{bmatrix} x_{arb}\\ y_{arb}\\ z_{arb}\\ w_{arb} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} x_{clip}\\ y_{clip}\\ z_{clip}\\ w_{clip} \end{bmatrix} }$$

OpenGL clips any x_clip, y_clip, or z_clip value that is outside the range [-w_clip, w_clip] to this range

OpenGL then divides the x_clip, y_clip, and z_clip by w_clip to transform from clip space to NDC space

If we cause the value of z_arb to be put into w_clip then in the transform from clip space to NDC space OpenGL will perform an effective divide by z_arb of our x_clip, y_clip, and z_clip

We will then be in 3d OpenGL NDC space, which OpenGL uses to draw with

We know that

$$x_{ndc} = {x_{clip} \over w_{clip}}$$ $$y_{ndc} = {y_{clip} \over w_{clip}}$$ $$z_{ndc} = {z_{clip} \over w_{clip}}$$


$${x_{clip} = x_{ndc} \cdot w_{clip} = x_{ndc} \cdot z_{arb}}$$ $${y_{clip} = y_{ndc} \cdot w_{clip} = y_{ndc} \cdot z_{arb}}$$ $${z_{clip} = z_{ndc} \cdot w_{clip} = z_{ndc} \cdot z_{arb}}$$

So far, we have derived the mapping from Frustrum View Space to NDC Space for x_arb and y_arb

$${x_{ndc} = {\left({2n}\over {r - l}\right)} \cdot {x_{arb}\over z_{arb}} - {\left({{r + l}\over{r - l}}\right)} }$$ $${y_{ndc} = {\left({2n}\over {t - b}\right)} \cdot {y_{arb}\over z_{arb}} - {\left({{t + b}\over{t - b}}\right)} }$$

We use these results to get the equations for x_clip and y_clip

$$x_{clip} = {x_{ndc}\cdot z_{arb} = {\left({2n}\over {r - l}\right)} \cdot x_{arb} - {\left({{r + l}\over{r - l}}\right)}\cdot z_{arb} }$$ $$y_{clip} = {y_{ndc}\cdot z_{arb} = {\left({2n}\over {t - b}\right)} \cdot y_{arb} - {\left({{t + b}\over{t - b}}\right)}\cdot z_{arb} }$$

We can now fill in some of our projection matrix with what we have derived thus far

$${ \begin{bmatrix} {2n \over {r-l}} & 0 & -{\left(r+l \over r-l\right)} & 0\\ 0 & {2n \over {t-b}} & -{\left(t+b \over t-b\right)} & 0\\ m_{02} & m_{12} & m_{22} & m_{32}\\ m_{03} & m_{13} & m_{23} & m_{33} \end{bmatrix} \cdot \begin{bmatrix} x_{arb}\\ y_{arb}\\ z_{arb}\\ w_{arb}\\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} x_{clip}\\ y_{clip}\\ z_{clip}\\ w_{clip} \end{bmatrix} }$$

We want w_clip = z_arb. We also always set w_arb = 1 for our input vertexes

$${ \begin{bmatrix} {2n \over {r-l}} & 0 & -{\left(r+l \over r-l\right)} & 0\\ 0 & {2n \over {t-b}} & -{\left(t+b \over t-b\right)} & 0\\ m_{02} & m_{12} & m_{22} & m_{32}\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \cdot \begin{bmatrix} x_{arb}\\ y_{arb}\\ z_{arb}\\ 1\\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} x_{clip}\\ y_{clip}\\ z_{clip}\\ w_{clip} \end{bmatrix} }$$

z Coordinate Mapping

Now we need to derive an equation for z_clip

We want z_clip to be a linear mapping from z_arb

We do a linear mapping for z_clip using the slope intercept form of a line equation

$${y = {p \cdot x} + q}$$

For us, y=z_clip and x=z_arb

$${z_{clip} = {p \cdot z_{arb}} + q}$$

We know that z_clip = z_ndc*w_clip

So we have

$${z_{clip} = z_{ndc} \cdot w_{clip}}$$

We also know that we are causing z_arb to be put into w_clip so

$${z_{clip} = z_{ndc} \cdot z_{arb} = {p \cdot z_{arb}} + q}$$

We know that when z_arb = n that z_ndc = -1.0

$${-1 \cdot n = {p \cdot n} + q}$$ $${-n - pn = q}$$ $${q = -n - pn}$$

We know that when z_arb = f that z_ndc = +1.0

$${+1 \cdot f = {p \cdot f} + q = pf + (-n - pn) = p\cdot (f - n) - n}$$ $${(f + n) = p\cdot (f - n)}$$ $${{{f + n}\over {f - n}} = p}$$ $${p = {{f + n}\over {f - n}}}$$

Plugging p back into the q equation we find

$${q = -n - pn = -n - \left({{f + n}\over {f - n}}\right) \cdot n = -n\cdot {{f - n}\over {f - n}} -n\cdot {{f + n}\over {f - n}}}$$ $${q = -n\cdot \left({{(f - n) + (f + n)}\over {f - n}}\right) = -n\cdot \left({2f \over {f - n}}\right)}$$ $${q = {-2fn \over {f - n}}}$$

So plugging what we've found for p and q into our z_clip equation

$${z_{clip} = {p \cdot z_{arb}} + q = {{f + n}\over {f - n}}\cdot z_{arb} + {-2fn \over {f - n}}}$$

Completed Projection Matrix

Now we can fill out the rest of our projection matrix

$${ \begin{bmatrix} {2n \over (r-l)} & 0 & -{\left(r+l \over r-l\right)} & 0\\ 0 & {2n \over (t-b)} & -{\left(t+b \over t-b\right)} & 0\\ 0 & 0 & {{f + n}\over {f - n}} & {-2fn \over {f - n}}\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \cdot \begin{bmatrix} x_{arb}\\ y_{arb}\\ z_{arb}\\ 1\\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} x_{clip}\\ y_{clip}\\ z_{clip}\\ w_{clip} \end{bmatrix} }$$